
I have spoken to Eric Verlo who owns Toons which is a record store in Colorado Springs
near Colorado College.
He confirms what I fear for numerous working people who depend on public transportation to get to and from work every day.
These cuts will indeed cause an increase in the local unemployment rate.
please click the video link to the right and see what Eric had to say about the elimination of evening and weekend public transportation in Colorado Springs.
If You are an Business Owner you know that the more that your customers have access to your services the better your profits.
As an employer you want to keep your loyal, dedicated, and diligent employees.
The elimination of Evening and weekend public transportation will make it difficult for your profit margin as well as the retention of good employees. I encourage you to contact local elected officials as I have done. 

                                Here is how to contact them.

                           Mayor Lionel Rivera   [email protected]
                           Vice Mayor Larry Small  [email protected]
                           Citycouncilman Bernie Herpin  [email protected] 
                           Citycouncilman Scott Hente    [email protected] 
                           Citycouncilman Sean Paige     [email protected] 
                           Citycouncilman Darryl Glenn   [email protected] 
                           Citycouncilman Tom Gallagher  [email protected] 
                           Citycouncilwoman Jan Martin     [email protected]

                    I am searching for ways to raise funds to restore to restore transit.